Friday 13 April 2012

I Don't Know When I Wrote This...

While looking into augmented reality I came across the thing we call "Augmented Reality". The digital perception one.

I initially thought of it more as virtual reality, the one where everything is different, but it turns out it's just a change of perception, upon the existing one

Don't get me wrong I hardly think that a coded character is going to jump me down some dark alleyway, but the code it's self exists, the glasses to watch 3D the phone to view the app aren't the reality but the augmentation, and the reality is the code and programs. To think that this will one day be akin to a knife and fork a car or memory exercises, to think that it already is, regardless I haven't had much sleep so I'm talking drivel, my own funny perception, or conception to be more accurate.

Monday 26 March 2012

Alice's Sleepy Time Drivel

While looking into augmented reality I came across the thing we call "Augmented Reality". (The digital perception one)

I initially thought of it more as virtual reality, the one where everything is simulated. It turns out "Augmented Reality" the thing, is just a change of perception, upon the existing reality.

It's interesting to think that the apps and code are real and already augmented aspect of our reality.

Don't get me wrong I hardly think that a coded character is going to jump me down some dark alleyway, but the code it's self exists. The glasses to watch 3D, the phone to view the app, they aren't the reality but the augmentation, and the reality is the code and programs. therefore the reality can exist without our perception of it.

But then you try listening to a crazy person say he made a cat on the table, but you can't see it, after all, you don't have the magic viewing glass... he hasn't made that yet.

So in this circumstance what is the reality? Is it an augmentation on reality or an enhanced perception on our own individual reality? But then if that is the case you are just perceiving someone else's reality and the true augmentation comes only from your own conceptions but not the perceptions shared by others... I need sleep.

mouse drawn blah face

To think that this will one day be akin to a knife and fork, a car, or memory exercises, to think that it already is. Regardless I haven't had much sleep so I'm talking drivel, my own funny perception... or conception?

Monday 5 March 2012

Advanced Search!

Okay! So for class we've had to have a play around with hot keys ad advanced searches, after our wonderfully enthusiastic library liaison's presentation. I decided to use two search engines "Dog Pile" (a group of search engines really) and the oh, so infamous "Google"(scholar for this one).

I looked into "Augmented Reality" as a phrase, with Sword as an additional word to confuse the process. Other then that I just used what ever refining options were clearly available in the advanced search.

For Dog Pile I came up with a lot of videos in comparison, the most interesting one of which, I have seen before, but illustrates an interesting way of art that involves the sword. Sword Dance and Shadowgraph check it out.

And as should be expected using Google Scholar, I got a lot of PDFs which appear (in my brief skimming) more targeted to Augmented Reality then the Sword, but quite possibly a useful resource there.

Mind Map-Augmented Reality

Following is my mind map.

I've decided to do my assignment on the sword and I intend to focus a little on the aspect of the art and study of it. I also want to go into how a persons actions, learning and choices augment their own reality. There were a lot of things I was considering such as Mental Illness and the concept of the Unknown and the idea that our own knowledge is an augmentation on reality as we don't perceive everything as it truly is, as far as we know.

I do hope to update this a little later if time permits, also I've got some spelling to fix.

Monday 27 February 2012

A Lesson In Awareness

Whoops! Accidentally had the wrong time zone setting. Nothing to write home about, but still a valuable lesson.

As soon as I use it, I become responsible for that use.

Should be obvious, huh?

Whether it be using a strike, a throw, words or a timezone setting; if I use it, I remain responsible for the outcome of that use.

That I might fix all my mistakes so easily.


 I have been dropped into the void of possibility.

So much that I can hold only a little, that is if I'm lucky. Not only that, but now I have to find a way to navigate this vast domain of elusive opportunities and guide others through my perception of it, when I still have yet to perceive it.

Grains of sand.